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CPLEX(R) Linear Optimizer

CPLEX Optimization, Inc.

The CPLEX Linear Optimizer is a high-performance, general-purposeinteractive software system for solving linear and mixed-integerprogramming problems. Linear programming is the most commonly usedtechnique for solving resource allocation problems. Applicationsinclude manufacturing scheduling, material blending, transportationrouting and assignment, financial asset allocation, cash management,portfolio optimization, and personnel scheduling, among many others.CPLEX is particularly adept at solving large or highly degenerateproblems. The Linear Optimizer is designed for use by industrial,financial, or government decision makers who require powerful large-scale numerical optimization tools. The CPLEX Linear Optimizer isprovided with an easy-to-use interactive interface. This interactivedesign allows users to read, modify, and solve problems online.Unattended batch use in a production environment is also supported.CPLEX algorithms available include a fast modified primal simplex, full-featured dual simplex, network optimizer which accepts non- network "sideconstraints", a barrier algorithm for particularly large and difficultlinear programming problems, and mixed-integer algorithms. The mixed-integer algorithms include many sophisticated technologies includingcuts (cliques and covers), heuristics, special ordered sets, and a widevariety of branching and node selection options. CPLEX also includesalgorithms for problem pre-processing and infeasibility diagnostics.CPLEX places no limit on the number of variables, constraint equations,or nonzero matrix elements in the problem.CPLEX Linear Optimizer Features Include:optimization parameters and tolerances NEW_PARAGRAPH -- Ability to readand write a variety of file formats for input and output, includingindustry-standard MPS files

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Library requires native C compiler. For Solaris 2, SPARC Compiler Version 2
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

CPLEX Optimization, Inc.
930 Tahoe Blvd Bldg 802 Suite 279
Incline Village, NV 89451-9436
Phone: (702) 831-7744
Fax: (702) 831-7755